Silver Regiment Band Program
The Lake Howell Band Program is a co-curricular activity that creates the Silver Regiment Marching Band in the fall by combining the Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble and the Colorguard classes during football season. After football season, the classes separate and create the concert bands. Rehearsals will be held two to three times a week after school plus various performances (including all football games in the fall, concerts and various FBA MPA evaluations). The times of those rehearsals are posted on the band calendar. The marching band season begins with periodic rehearsals over the summer and concludes no later than the end of November. The marching band will perform and compete in several FMBC circuit competitions and FBA events. After Marching Season the concert bands and Jazz Band will perform various concerts, including District and State Solo & Ensemble, District and State Concert/Jazz MPA, Winter Concert, Spring Concert, and more. In addition, the Color Guard continues to compete throughout the entire year (See more below in Colorguard/ Winterguard course description). A two-week band camp is also a part of the summer rehearsals and is a requirement to participate in the band program.
Lake Howell Colorguard/Winterguard
Colorguard/ Winterguard is a performance-oriented class/program with content that includes the understanding and demonstrating performance techniques appropriate to various styles of music and dance. Develops the basic knowledge and skills in performance of varied dance genre, such as ballet and modern dance while also spinning equipment including flags, rifles and sabres. This class is open to a select group of performers determined by audition only. The color guard performs with the marching band in the fall and competes independently as a winter guard in the spring in the FFCC and WGI circuits. As a co-curricular performance activity, attendance is required for rehearsals and performances beyond regular school hours. Members of this ensemble will combine with other classes to form the marching band in the fall. These students will be expected to attend summer rehearsals and band camp as listed above in the band course descriptions and there will be a camp over winter break for winter guard.
Links for Band
Band Website
Band Facebook Page
Direct Band Calendar Link